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DeepLung: 3D Deep Convolutional Nets for Automated Pulmonary Nodule Detection and Classification W Zhu, C Liu, W Fan, X Xie arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.05538
FactorNet: a deep learning framework for predicting cell type specific transcription factor binding from nucleotide-resolution sequential data D Quang, X Xie bioRxiv, 151274
Deep Multi-instance Networks with Sparse Label Assignment for Whole Mammogram Classification Wentao Zhu, Qi Lou, Yeeleng Scott Vang, Xiaohui Xie arXiv:1612.05968 MICCAI, 2017
Understanding sequence conservation with deep learning Li Y, Quang D, and Xie X ACM BCB, 2017
HLA class I binding prediction via convolutional neural networks Vang YS and Xie X Bioinformatics, 2017
Foxh1 Occupies cis-Regulatory Modules Prior to Dynamic Transcription Factor Interactions Controlling the Mesendoderm Gene Program Charney RM, Forouzmand E, Cho JS, Cheung J, Paraiso KD, Yasuoka Y, Takahashi S, Taira M, Blitz IL, Xie X, Cho KW Dev Cell. 27;40(6):595-607.e4, 2017
Adversarial Deep Structural Networks for Mammographic Mass Segmentation Wentao Zhu, Xiaohui Xie arXiv:1612.05970
Developmentally regulated long non-coding RNAs in Xenopus tropicalis Forouzmand et al. Developmental Biology, (16)30120-8 2016
Gene expression inference with deep learning Chen Y, Li Y, Narayan R, Subramanian A, and Xie X Bioinformatics, 2016
DanQ: a hybrid convolutional and recurrent deep neural network for quantifying the function of DNA sequences Quang D and Xie X Nucleic Acids Research, 2016
Poly(A) code analyses reveal key determinants for tissue-specific mRNA alternative polyadenylation Weng L, Li Y, Xie X, and Shi Y RNA, 2016
Co-occurrence Feature Learning for Skeleton based Action Recognition using Regularized Deep LSTM Networks Zhu W, et al. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2016
Hobbes3: Dynamic Generation of Variable-Length Signatures for Efficient Approximate Subsequence Mappings Kim J, Chen L, and Xie X 32nd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering - ICDE 2016
DanQ: a hybrid convolutional and recurrent deep neural network for quantifying the function of DNA sequences Quang D and Xie X
DANN: a deep learning approach for annotating the pathogenicity of genetic variants Quang D, Chen Y and Xie X Bioinformatics, 31(5):761-3, 2015
MixClone: a mixture model for inferring tumor subclonal populations Li Y and Xie X BMC Genomics, 2015
Identifying unanticipated genes and mechanisms in serious mental illness Potkin SG, van Erp TGM, Ling S, Macciardi F, and Xie X Neuroimaging genetics : principles and practices, 2015
Handwritten Hangul recognition using deep convolutional neural networks Kim I and Xie X International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2014 preprint
Genome-wide view of TGFbeta/Foxh1 regulation of the early mesendoderm program Chiu WT, Le R, Blitz IL, Fish MB, Li Y, Biesinger J, Xie X, and Cho K Development, 2014
Deconvolving tumor purity and ploidy by integrating copy number alterations and loss of heterozygosity Li Y and Xie X Bioinformatics, 2014
EXTREME: An Online EM Algorithm for Motif Discovery Quang D and Xie X Bioinformatics, 2014
Improving Read Mapping Using Additional Prefix Grams Kim J, Li C and Xie X BMC Bioinformatics, 2014, 15(1):42
Integrative ChIP-seq/Microarray Analysis Identifies a CTNNB1 Target Signature Enriched in Intestinal Stem Cells and Colon Cancer Watanabe K, Biesinger J, Salmans ML, Roberts BS, Arthur WT, Cleary M, Andersen B, Xie X, and Dai X PLOS ONE, 2014, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0092317
Inference of the Xenopus tropicalis embryonic regulatory network and spatial gene expression patterns Zheng Z, Christley S, Chiu WT, Blitz IL, Xie X, Cho KW, Nie Q BMC Systems Biology 2014, 8:3
Fip1 regulates mRNA alternative polyadenylation to promote stem cell self-renewal Lackford B, Yao C, Charles GM, Weng L, Zheng X, Choi EA, Xie X, Wan J, Xing Y, Freudenberg JM, Yang P, Jothi R, Hu G, Shi Y EMBO J. 2014 Mar 4.
Low-Rank Regularization for Learning Gene Expression Programs Ye G, Tang M, Nie Q and Xie X PLOS ONE, 2013
A gradient boosting algorithm for survival analysis via direct optimization of concordance index Chen Y, Jia Z, Mercola D and Xie X Comput Math Methods Med., 2013
Biallelic genome modification in F0 Xenopus tropicalis embryos using the CRISPR/Cas system Blitz I, Biesinger J, Xie X, and Cho K Genesis, 2013.
Overlapping and distinct functions of CstF64 and CstF64t in mammalian mRNA 3â² processing Yao C, Choi E, Weng L, Xie X, Wan J, Xing Y, Moresco JJ, Tu PG, Yates JR, and Shi Y RNA, 2013
Inference in Kingman's Coalescent with Particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method Chen Y and Xie X arXiv, 2013
Discovering and Mapping Chromatin States Using a Tree Hidden Markov Model Biesinger J, Wang Y, and Xie X BMC Bioinformatics 2013, 14(S5):S4, 2013 Supplemental Information
A mixture model for expression deconvolution from RNA-seq in heterogeneous tissues Li Y and Xie X BMC Bioinformatics 2013, 14(Suppl 5):S11, 2013
Efficient direct search on compressed genomic data Yang X, Wang B, Li C, Wang J, and Xie X IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2013
Learning sparse gradients for variable selection and dimension reduction Ye G and Xie X Machine Learning Journal, 87(3):303-355, 2012 Preprint
Transcriptome-wide analyses of CstF64-RNA interactions in global regulation of mRNA alternative polyadenylation Yao C, Biesinger J,Wan J,Weng L, Busch A, Xing Y, Xie X, and Shi Y PNAS, 109(46):18773-8, 2012
Genome-wide analysis of hepatic LRH-1 reveals a promoter binding preference and suggests a role in regulating genes of lipid metabolism in concert with FXR Kim Chong H, Biesinger J, Seo YK, Xie X, Osborne TF BMC Genomics, 2012
Hobbes: optimized gram-based methods for efficient read alignment Ahmadi A, Behm A, Honnalli N, Li C, Weng L, and Xie X Nucleic Acids Research, 40(6):e41, 2012 Software: Hobbes
Efficient latent variable graphical model selection via split Bregman method Ye G, Wang Y, Chen Y, and Xie X arXiv:1110.3076v1, 2011
MotifMap: integrative genome-wide maps of regulatory motif sites for model species. Daily K, Patel VR, Rigor P, Xie X, Baldi P. BMC Bioinformatics, 2011
A high-resolution map of human evolutionary constraint using 29 mammals Lindblad-Toh, Barber, Zuk, Lin, et al. Nature, 2011
SNP-based pathway enrichment analysis for genome-wide association studies Weng L, Macciardi F, Subramanian A, Guffanti G, Potkin SG, Yu Z, and Xie X BMC Bioinformatics, 2011 Software: SNP Set Enrichment Analysis (SSEA)
Genome-wide Positioning of SREBP-2 in Hepatic Chromatin Predicts a Novel Role in Autophagy Seo Y, Jeon T , Chong H, Beisinger J, Xie X, and Osborne TF Cell Metabolism, 13:367-75, 2011 Science Daily coverage
AREM: aligning short reads from ChIP-sequencing by expectation maximization Newkirk D, Biesinger, J, Chon A, Yokomori K, and Xie X J Comput Biol., 2011 Software: AREM
Efficient variable selection in support vector machines via the alternating direction method of multipliers Ye G, Chen Y, and Xie X AI & STATS , 2011
Split Bregman method for sparse inverse covariance estimation with matrix iteration acceleration Ye G, Cai J, and Xie X arXiv:1012.0975v1, 2010
Split Bregman method for large scale fused Lasso Ye G-B and Xie X Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, doi:10.1016/j.csda.2010.10.021, 2010 arXiv version Data Structures and Compression Algorithms for High-Throughput Sequencing Technologies Daily K, Rigor P, Christley S, Xie X and Baldi P BMC Bioinformatics,11:514, 2010
Interactive and fuzzy search: a dynamic way to explore MEDLINE Wang J, Cetindil I, Ji S, Li C, Xie X, Li G and Feng J Bioinformatics, 26(18):2321-2327, 2010 iPubMed Search
Variable selection and dimension reduction via sparse gradients Ye G-B and Xie X arXiv:1006.5060v2, 2010
Identifying gene regulatory networks in Schizophrenia Potkin SG, Macciardi F, Guffanti G, Wang Q, Turner JA, Lakatos A, Miles MF, Lander A, Vawter MP, Xie X NeuroImage 53:839-847, 2010
Parameter inference for discretely observed stochastic kinetic models using stochastic gradient descent Wang Y, Christley S, Mjolsness E, and Xie X BMC Systems Biology, 4:99 doi:10.1186/1752-0509-4-99, 2010
Site-frequency Spectrum of Linked Sites Xie X Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, DOI: 10.1007/s11538-010-9534-3, 2010
Genome-Wide Interrogation of Hepatic FXR Reveals an Asymmetric IR-1 Motif and Synergy with LRH-1 Chong H, Infante A, Seo Y, Jeon T, Ahang Y, Edwards P, Xie X, and Osborne TF Nucleic Acids Research, doi:10.1093/nar/gkq397, 2010 Online Supplementary Materials
Systematic discovery of regulatory motifs in Fusarium graminearum by comparing four Fusarium genomes Kumar L, Breakspear A, Kistler HC, Ma L-J, and Xie X BMC Genomics 11:208, 2010 Supplementary Information Fusarium Comparative Database
Comparative genomics reveals mobile pathogenicity chromosomes in Fusarium oxysporum Ma L-J, et al. Nature 464:367-373, 2010 The chromosomal secrets of a plant pathogen Comparative genomics reveals horizontal gene transfer in pathogenic fungus Fusarium Comparative Database
Incorporating existing network information into gene network inference Christley S, Nie Q and Xie X PLoS ONE 4(8): e6799. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0006799 (2009)
Genome-wide analysis of SREBP-1 binding in mouse liver chromatin reveals a preference for promoter proximal binding to a new motif Seo YK, Chong HK, Infante AM, Im S, Xie X, and Osborne TF Proc Natl Acad Sci USA doi:10.1073/pnas.0904246106 (2009)
Identifying novel constrained elements by exploiting biased substitution patterns Garber M, Guttman1 M, Clamp M, Zody MG, Friedman N, and Xie X Bioinformatics25:i54-i62 (2009) Supplementary Methods SiPhy (SIte-specific PHYlogenetic analysis) Java software package
Comparative genomics allows the discovery of cis-regulatory elements in mosquitoes Sieglaff DH, Dunn WA, Xie X, Megy K, Marinotti O, and James AA Proc Natl Acad Sci USA doi:10.1073/pnas.0813264106 (2009)
Common polymorphic transcript variation in human disease Fraser H and Xie X Genome Research doi:10.1101/gr.083477.108 (2009) PDF
MotifMap: a human genome-wide map of candidate regulatory motif sites Xie X, Rigor P, and Baldi P Bioinformatics 25: 167-174 (2009) Supplementary Methods MotifMap Server
Human genomes as email attachments Christley S, Lu Y, Li C, and Xie X Bioinformatics 25: 274-275 (2009) DNAzip: DNA sequence compression using a reference genome PDF News featured in genomeweb News featured in bio-itworld One of the 20 most important papers in Translational Bioinformatics in 2009as reviewed by Russ Altman of Stanford
Discovering regulatory motifs in the Plasmodium genome using comparative genomics Wu J, Sieglaff DH, Gervin J, and Xie X Bioinformatics 24:1843-9 (2008) MDOS software: A method for Motif Discovery using Orthologous Sequences (alignment independent). Supplementary Information on the MDOS algorithm
Genomewide analysis of PRC1 and PRC2 occupancy identifies two classes of bivalent domains Ku M, Koche RP, Rheinbay E, Mendenhall EM, Endoh M, Mikkelsen TS, Presser A, Nusbaum C, Xie X, Chi AS, Adli M, Kasif S, Ptaszek LM, Cowan CA, Lander ES, Koseki H, Bernstein BE PLoS Genetics4(10):e1000242 (2008)
Distinguishing protein-coding and noncoding genes in the human genome Clamp M, Fry B, Kamal M, Xie X, Cuff J, Lin MF, Kellis M, Lindblad-Toh K, and Lander ES. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA104(49):19428-33 (2007)
Genome-wide detection and characterization of positive selection in human populations Sabeti PC, Varilly P, Fry B, Lohmueller J, Hostetter E, Cotsapas C, Xie X, Byrne EH, McCarroll SA, Gaudet R, Schaffner SF, Lander ES and International HapMap Consortium Nature449:913-918 (2007)
Geome-wide maps of chromatin state in pluripotent and lineage-committed cells Mikkelsen TS, Ku M, Jaffe DB, Issac B, Lieberman E, Giannoukos G, Alvarez P, Brockman W, Kim TK, Koche RP, Lee W, Mendenhall E, O'Donovan A, Presser A, Russ C, Xie X, Meissner A, Wernig M, Jaenisch R, Nusbaum C, Lander ES, Bernstein BE. Nature 448:553-60 (2007)
Systematic discovery of regulatory motifs in conserved regions of the human genome, including thousands of CTCF insulator sites Xie X, Mikkelsen TS, Gnirke A, Lindblad-Toh K, Kellis M and Lander ES. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA104:7145-7150 (2007) Supplementary website Supporting Information News story
Genome of the marsupial Monodelphis domestica reveals innovation in non-coding sequences Mikkelsen TS, Wakefield MJ, et al. Nature 447:167-177 (2007)
A family of conserved noncoding elements derived from an ancient transposable element Xie X, Kamal M, and Lander ES. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA103:11659-11664 (2006) Supplementary website Supporting Information News story
A large family of ancient repeat elements in the human genome is under strong selection Kamal M, Xie X, and Lander ES. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA103:2740-2745 (2006) Supplementary website Supporting Information News story
A Bivalent Chromatin Structure Marks Key Developmental Genes in Embryonic Stem Cells Bernstein BE, Mikkelsen TS, Xie X, Kamal M et al. Cell 125:315-26 (2006)
Comparative sequence analysis reveals an intricate network among REST, CREB and miRNA in mediating neuronal gene expression Wu J and Xie X Genome Biology7(9):R85 (2006) (Highly accessed) Supplementary website
Systematic identification of human mitochondrial disease genes through integrative genomics Calvo S, Jain M, Xie X, Chang B, Spinazzola A, Zeviani M, Carr S, and Mootha VK. Nature Genetics, 38:576-82 (2006)
Systematic discovery of regulatory motifs in human promoters and 3' UTRs by comparison of several mammals Xie X, Lu J, Kulbokas EJ, Golub TR, Mootha VK, Lindblad-Toh K, Lander ES, Kellis M. Nature2005; 434:338-45 Supplementary Website Supplementary Information News story
A molecular-properties-based approach to understanding PDZ domain proteins and PDZ ligands Giallourakis C, Cao Z, Green T, Wachtel H, Xie X, Lopez-Illasaca M, Daly M, Rioux J, Xavier R. Genome Resesarch, 16:1056-72 (2006)
A Mammalian Organelle Map by Protein Correlation Profiling Foster LJ, de Hoog CL, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Xie X, Mootha VK, and Mann M. Cell 125:187-99 (2006)
Learning curves for stochastic gradient descent in linear feedforward networks. Werfel J, Xie X and Seung HS. Neural Computation, 2005;17:2699-718
Genome sequence, comparative analysis and haplotype structure of the domestic dog Lindblad-Toh K, Wade CM, et al. Nature 438:803-19 2005
Disease gene discovery through integrative genomics. Giallourakis C, Henson C, Reich M, Xie X, and Mootha VK. Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet. 2005:22:381-406.
Learning in neural networks by reinforcement of irregular spiking. Xie X and Seung HS. Phys Rev E, 2004;69:041909
Erralpha and Gabpa/b specify PGC-1alpha-dependent oxidative phosphorylation gene expression that is altered in diabetic muscle Mootha VK, Handschin C, Arlow D, Xie X, St Pierre J et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2004;101:6570-5
The double-ring network modeling of the head-direction system Xie X, Hahnloser RH, and Seung HS. Physical Review E, 2002;66:041902
Nonlinear dynamics of direction-selective recurrent neural media Xie X and Giese MA. Physical Review E, 2002;65:051904 Exact solution of the nonlinear dynamics of recurrent neural mechanisms for direction selectivity Giese MA and Xie X Neurocomputing 2002;44:417-422
Learning winner-take-all competition between groups of neurons in lateral inhibitory networks Xie X, Hahnloser HR, and Seung HS. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems2001;13:350-356
Generating velocity tuning by asymmetric recurrent connections Xie X and Giese MA. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems2002;13:325-332
Selectively Grouping Neurons in Recurrent Networks of Lateral Inhibition Xie X, Hahnloser RH, and Seung HS. Neural Computation, 2002;14:2627-2646
Equivalence of backpropagation and contrastive Hebbian learning in a layered network Xie X and Seung HS. Neural Computation, 2003;16:441-454
Threshold behavior of maximum likelihood method in population decoding Xie X Network: Comput. Neural Syst. 2002;13:447-456
Spike-based learning rules and stabilization of persistent neural activity Xie X and Seung HS Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2000;12:199-205