########################## # PAS-seq Pipeline using Tophat ########################## 1. QC module load fastqc/0.11.2 ls [all the input.fastq] | xargs fastqc # here I am using the combination of ls and xargs, which pump listed inputs one at a time into fastqc command tool. 2. Trim low-quality reads. module load java/ module load trimmomatic/0.35 java -jar /data/apps/trimmomatic/0.35/trimmomatic-0.35.jar SE -threads 12 -phred33 [input.fastq] [output.name] TRAILING:20 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 MINLEN:20 3. Tophat mapping. module load bowtie2/2.2.7 module load tophat/2.1.0 tophat -p 32 -o [output.name] -g 1 --library-type fr-secondstrand -G [annotation_file] [indexed_reference_genome] [input.fastq] 3.5 Remove internal priming reads # using "PTM_filter_TophatAdapted.py" in myPythonTool folder 4. Prepare BAMs module load samtools/1.1 samtools sort -o [output.sorted.bam] -@ 32 [input.bam] samtools view -h [input.sorted.bam] > [output.sorted.sam] 5. Generate tracks module load bedtools/2.23.0 # combined tracks bedtools genomecov -ibam [input.sorted.bam] -split -bg -g [mm9_chromSize] > [output.bedGraph] # separated tracks bedtools genomecov -ibam [input.sorted.bam] -split -bg -strand + -g [mm9_chromSize] > [output.bedGraph] bedtools genomecov -ibam [input.sorted.bam] -split -bg -strand - -g [mm9_chromSize] > [output.bedGraph] # and then: ./bedGraphToBigWig [input.bedGraph] [mm9_chromSize] [output.bw] 6. Generate read counts table # using masterlist — Tian PAS data.txt, as reference, available at: https://cbcl.ics.uci.edu/public_data/shilab/PASseq_szang_20160302/Tian%20PAS%20data.txt # using "PAS_incrementer_onTophat.py" in myPythonTool folder to increment the read counts for each ApAid # using "mergeCounts_separatedAPAgenes.py" in myPythonTool folder to combine results from each sample